African Choir

Unleashing Life

"I have come that they might have life and have it to the full." Jn 10:10

Deanery and Diocesan Groups > African Choir

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The Aberdeen African choir


The Aberdeen African Choir was formed by Sister Pat Malikebu in January 2006. Since then, the choir has built a reputation for producing melodious music which creates a vibrant atmosphere and directly reflects their African heritage. The choir brings different African styles of worship into the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in order to inspire, enrich and motivate parishioners and the community at large in and around Aberdeen and the United Kingdom. In addition, the choir seeks out ways of raising funds for charity and focuses on evangelization including singing in concerts and events.

Practice times - Wednesdays and Saturdays 6 - 8pm

Venue - Upper hall, St Mary's Cathedral, Huntly Street Aberdeen.

Contact - Fredrick Ferife - 07831533962 (Choir Master) or Ken Uyabeme - 07429630863 (President)


You can find us on facebook. Subscribe to our Youtube page

You can find many videos of us on YouTube just search for: Aberdeen African Choir

The mission of the African Catholic Choir is to bring a taste of African musical vibrance and energy to the Catholic community in Aberdeen. New members are always welcome and experience/knowledge of singing is not required. Meeting times are Wednesday 6pm-8pm and Saturday 6pm-8pm in the Cathedral Upper Hall.

You can contact the African Choir here by email.

The African Choir is a registered charity No. SC050828

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