5, Queen's Road, Aberdeen AB15 4YL
Tel: 01224 322730
Web: www.stjosephsprimary.aberdeen.sch.uk
St Joseph’s Primary is a Catholic School serving many areas of the city. We have a nursery department with two part-time classes and eleven classes from P1 –P7. We have 326 boys and girls from many different countries, cultures and religions. We are an inclusive school and in addition to teaching the Catholic Religion, we celebrate and respect the traditions and festivals of the many other denominations of the pupils who choose our school.
Our aim is to provide pupils with the safest and happiest of environments in which to develop their individual skills and talents.
We actively encourage parental participation in all areas of school life and have always enjoyed wonderful support from parents who choose St Joseph’s for their children.
Our skilled and dedicated staff work together as a team to make St Joseph’s an excellent school and a place where they can grow in knowledge and appreciation of God’s creation, making them Confident Individuals, Successful Learners, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens.
74, Dunbar Street, Old Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 3UJ
Tel: 01224 485611
Web: www.st-peters.aberdeen.sch.uk
St Peter's RC Primary School is a Catholic primary school for pupils between the ages of 5 and 12. We serve the parishes of St Peter's, St Joseph's and St Columba's. Other Christians, Jews and many Muslim families choose to send their children to St Peter's. We also have children from families who have no religious belief. We enjoy a rich diversity in religious, social and ethnic mix.
We affirm the religious and cultural identities of all and strive to create a caring community where everyone is valued.
We aim to create a secure environment in which Gospel values of trust, respect, tolerance, honesty and forgiveness are seen in everything that is attempted.
We strive to foster the individual spiritual, educational, social and personal development of all our children by providing a broad and balanced curriculum.
The main building of our school houses four classrooms, library, music room, large store and resources room, general purpose room where we make good use of our interactive whiteboard and suite of laptop PCs, gym/dining hall (which is in high demand for after-school activities from community groups), offices for the headteacher and administrator and staff room.
In October 1998 an annexe was opened on the upper floor of Old Aberdeen House on the west side of the playground. The children in Primaries 5, 6 and 7 spend their schooldays in renovated classrooms. Each classroom has telephone communication with the main building. An interactive whiteboard is well-used by the three classes and we have wireless technology to access the internet. Classes gather in a roomy common area for upper stage assemblies.
Summerhill Terrace, Aberdeen. AB15 6HE
Tel: 01224 316446
Holy Family School began in 1959 after the closure of St Mary’s Primary School in Summer Street. The school was then situated in West Cairncry Road with an annexe in Rowan Road for P1-P3 pupils. The annexe was later closed and all the pupils were housed in West Cairncry Road in the main building and in hutted accommodation.
In 1986, the school transferred to the current building in Summerhill Terrace.
The school is built in traditional style, accommodating seven individual classrooms, from Primary 1 to Primary 7. In addition, we have a pupil support base which houses a maximum of seven children, a learning support area, a well-stocked library and a multi-purpose gym hall which doubles up as the dining area. We have close links with our neighbouring primary schools and the secondary school in our Associated School Group (Feeder school for Northfield Academy and Hazlehead Academy).
Our school is situated to the west of the city of Aberdeen, on the fringes of Summerhill, very close to Anderson Drive. Our catchment covers Westhill, Kingswells, Northfield and the Summerhill area of the city and we have strong ties with Holy Family RC Church, which is situated in Upper Mastrick Way.
Please note that free transport is available for children to and from primary school provided that they are in the school catchment area and live more than two miles from the school.
There are no Catholic Secondary Schools in Aberdeen but from August 2007 Aberdeen City Council undertook to make Catholic R. E. available in all its Secondary Schools provided that there is an express demand for Catholic R. E.
This revised system enables the whole City to have access to Catholic R. E. but only where a demand is shown to exist. As the new system is demand-driven it is therefore imperative that we encourage all parents and guardians to request that children receive Catholic Religious Education at Secondary School.
There are three different situations in which parents should make this request:
In situation (1) and in situation (2) the enrolment-form issued by the Aberdeen City Education Department will have a section asking whether Catholic R. E. is requested, and this section should be answered accordingly.
In situation (3) the parent or guardian should make the request themselves direct to the Head Teacher.