A Christ-centred community which is alive, forming and sending out joyful disciples

'I am the Light of the World'

With every candle that is lit at St. Mary's Cathedral, we are reminded of these words of Christ.


Step 1:

Submit your intention.

Step 2:

Clear your thoughts and focus on your prayer intention.

Step 3:

Make the sign of the cross and pray for your intention.

Step 4:

Light your prayer candle which will serve as a symbol of your sincere and prayerful intention.



Mass on first day of each month will be offered for all virtual candle intentions



Praying for good health in mind and body for my family, keep us all safe and well and happy

May the soul of Fr. George rest in the peace of Christ. Amen    

For my son to find inner peace and his life's purpose

For peace health and happiness for my children and success in their examinations. Thank you Our Lady of Aberdeen.

For God’s purpose for my life be made manifest and for God to cancel any form of delay in my life and success in my exams

I wish to thank you on this feast day of Our Lady of Aberdeen for the peace you have given me and the prayers you have answered.

I'm asking Jesus Christ for the gift of faith and health in my family and thank you for recently converting me, a lost sheep, thank you Jesus

Dear Jesus, I thank you for every grace and blessing that You  have given to myself and my family, I ask that You will keep us close to You and Mother Mary throughout our lives here on earth, Amen.